Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Posts and A New Sister Site!

The exciting thing this week is the creation of our sister blog!   Given that we live in Salem, MA and Halloween is upon us, it seemed like a good time to create .
We've put info about Salem restaurants, salem witches and more!

On the Weight Loss Network,  we are still mulling over the Twinkie Diet and Gianna LeBlanc has updated horoscopes!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Twinkie Diet

This week I reviewed The Twinkie Diet on The Weight Loss Network!   Dr. Haub's experiment with eating junk food and weight loss intrigued me so I had to delve into it a bit and see what all the buzz was about!

 As always, Gianna has updated horoscopes.   We're coming to the end of Mercury's retrograde cycle and she's got good news for that!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

New Posts

It's been a little bit slow but Questbar just came out with several new flavors!  I loved the first two so read the review of the next three flavors here!

Also, I ordered a week of food from Bistro MD.   I'll be eating the food this coming week and writing a review the following.  Stay posted!